Sunday, December 19, 2010

Finally, after struggling for a week to find the best topic for mini research for LE 4000 research paper... I have come out with my own research proposal!!! Yahoo!!!

Research Proposal
To:      Instructor of LE 4000 class
From: Mardhiatul Ain Binti Mokhtaruddin, 0828380, LE 4000, SECTION 18.
Date:   10 January 2011
Subject: Research proposal

Proposed Research Topic: A Study of Perception of Politeness in Offering Advice, Request form and Reprimand between cultures: on Malaysian and Middle Easterners Undergraduates Students of IIUM.

Statement of Problem:  Is there any differences on the perception of politeness in offering advice, request form and reprimand between two cultures which are, Malay and Middle East cultures?

Objective of the study:
1.      To investigate the cultural differences between Malaysian and Middle Easterners in their perception of the politeness of the speech act of offering advice.
2.      To study politeness levels of various forms of request in English as perceived by Malaysian undergraduates and Middle Easterners undergraduates.
3.      To investigate the perception of reprimand speech act in Malay and Middle East cultures.

Instrument: There will be three types of instruments used in this research project. There will be questionnaires (surveys) which tackle the samples’ politeness in offering advice, request form and reprimand of speech act. Not only that, interview and role play will be conducted also, in a way to support and make the data of the research become stronger. If possible, the interview session and the role play will be recorded, video recording.

Target group:  20 undergraduate students of IIUM who are Malaysian and Middle Easterners only. They are from various Kulliyah and level of study. Only 10 Malaysian students and 10 Middle eastern students. There will be 5 male students and 5 female students for each culture.  

Friday, December 17, 2010


Drawing and painting are my hobbies...I will sketch something when I am bored.. Hehehehe...
Whatever comes in my mind, I'll sketch and draw it....
To me drawing and painting release my stress and tension... =)
I don't mind if my drawings are bad...As long as it portrays what is in my mind at that moment.. =)
Thanks to Allah because He gave me the ability to draw and paint anything that I want. THANK YOU ALLAH.. (^_^)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hanya Allah saja yang tahu...

Hanya Allah saja yang tahu betapa sayangnya aku kepada keluarga ku.. Terutama sekali ummi ku Rosnah Binti Hamid.. dan Ayah ku Mokhtaruddin Bin Mohd Said... Tanpa ummi dan ayah.. siapa lah ain di dunia ni...

Ain sayang sangat ummi, ayah, angah, rah, danial dan haziq...

Korang semua lah harta ain di dunia ni..selain ilmu dan amalan...
korang lah tempat ain menagih kasih dan tempat bergantung selepas Allah SWT.

Ya Allah... Hanya Kau sahaja yang tahu Betapa aku sayang keluargaku...

Janganlah kau tarik nikmat kasih sayang keluarga daripada ku Ya Allah... Kau Maha Mendengar... Kau Maha Memahami...

Berkatilah Hidup Kami sekeluarga YA Allah.. Amin.. YA Rabbal 'alamin..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My DrEaMs!!!

I want these things in "my LIFE":

I want to join CAR RACING!!!

I want to play PAINTBALL!!!

I want to do SNORKELING!!!

I want to own my dream cars; Toyota CAMRY, Honda ACCORD, HARRIER, Nissan MURANO..etc.


I want to own A BIG HOUSE ( banglo)!!!

I want to have MY DREAM HUSBAND as my life partner!!! huhuhu

I want to TRAVEL to INDIA, CHINA, PARIS, and all OVER THE WORLD (kalau mampu la...) and make documentaries about it...

I want to be a LECTURER!!! ( its my passion)

I want to be INSAN KAMIL!!! (Amin..)

*I hope I can achieve all my dreams above...even though I now it will take a lot of time ...but I want my Dreams become reality.. =)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Make Me Strong

Make Me Strong Lyrics

I know I’m waiting
Waiting for something
Something to happen to me
But this waiting comes with
Trials and challenges
Nothing in life is free
I wish that somehow
You’d tell me out aloud
That on that day I’ll be ok
But we’ll never know cause
That’s not the way it works
Help me find my way
My Lord show me right from wrong
Give me light make me strong
I know the road is long
Make me strong
Sometimes it just gets too much
I feel that I’ve lost touch
I know the road is long
Make me strong
I know I’m waiting
Yearning for something
Something known only to me
This waiting comes with
Trials and challenges
Life is one mystery
I wish that somehow
You’d tell me out aloud
That on that day you’ll forgive me
But we’ll never know cause
That’s not the way it works
I beg for your mercy
My Lord show me right from wrong
Give me light make me strong
I know the road is long
Make me strong
Sometimes it just gets too much
I feel that I’ve lost touch
I know the road is long
Make me strong
Words: Sami Yusuf
Music: Sami Yusuf
Produced by Sami Yusuf

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Most students dread exam days especially teens, but this does not have to be the case as there are ways to eliminate these fears and anxieties. It is very normal to feel that way and everybody goes through the same thing. Remember that even your parents had to go through that same feelings to get to where they are today.
The secret however is that, some people take measures to help them develop and create the right mood before they settle to write their exams. Let us learn the secrets of such people who seem to have full control over their emotions, mood and have total confidence on such days.

These are a few of the things they do that you want to practice too:
1. Make sure you have a good night's sleep the previous night before the exam day.
2. Try not to study late into the night as this will confuse your short-term memory and leave you
feeling blank the next morning.
3. Having an early night's sleep will ensure you wake up early feeling rejuvenated.
4. Be optimistic and awake with a cheerful smile on your face, it does not matter whether you have
finished revising or not. Remember this will set your mood for the day.
5. Lay hold of this thought in your mind that you are born a winner and a victor.
6. Command the air around you to be positive and use positive affirmations.
7. Look over your flash cards (shorts notes written on cards), for a quick reminder just before you
settle in for the exam.
8. Calm yourself down by taking in deep breaths through your nose and breathing out through the
mouth. This will help you release tension and send more oxygen to your brain cells.

Practicing these few simple steps will surely get you relaxed, confident and ready to face any exam

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


            There are two days in every week about which we should not worry.
            Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
            One of these days is yesterday with its mistakes and cares,
            Its faults and blunders, Its aches and pains.
            Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.
            All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday.
            We cannot undo a single act we performed.
            We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone.
            The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow.
            With its possible adversities, Its burdens,
            Its large promise and poor performance.
            Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.
            Tomorrow's Sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds,
            but it will rise.
            Until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.
            This just leaves only one day . . . Today.
            Any person can fight the battles of just one day.
            It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternity's -
            yesterday and tomorrow that we break down.
            It is not the experience of today that drives people mad.
            It is the remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday
            and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.
            Let us therefore live but one day at a time.
            ~ Author Unknown ~